Monday, January 17, 2011

My first award!!

Today I received my first blogging award - from 2 of my blogging friends at once!!! And they came from 2 of my favourite people to visit, Karen at 21 wits  and Galen at 10 steps to finding your happy place

Thank you both so very very much - it's a good feeling to get one of these little presents, especially on a rainy humid morning.

As part of accepting this award, I need to share 7 things about myself:
  1. If I was only allowed one food for the rest of my life, it would be avocado.
  2. I love driving, especially on long road trips, especially by myself.
  3. I couldn't live without music, art and books - and the greatest of these is books ;)
  4. I was born here in New Zealand, of Scottish descent - 1st generation on my father's side, 4th generation on my mother's.
  5. I love travelling, and would travel most of the year if I could.
  6. My greatest desire is to go into space - if I win the lottery, I shall book a ticket on Virgin Galactic and take a trip off this planet.
  7. I'm an English teacher... and I love it - but when I retire I plan to go back to University to do another degree, this time in Art History. Or Geology. :)
I also get to pass this award on, to 5 special bloggers, so here we go. These are all blogs that I love:

Life 101
Doves today
Living the Rural Life
A Paperback Writer
It's the Journey

Thank you again, Karen and Galen.

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