Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sad Realities

It is so devastating what is happening in Queensland with the Flood Crisis.  Yesterday I was writing about Happy Days, and today is very much about Sad Realities.  My whole blog from yesterday seems so unimportant.  Yesterday seems a world away, especially for the people of Queensland,  and for all of us, our fellow Australians, our Brothers and Sisters.  Tragedy happens every day, the news is full of Sad Realities and I often find myself moved to tears - and when it is so close to home, it becomes even more real (sadly) since there is widespread sorrow.  There is coverage on all the main channels as we watch with horror and hopeful anticipation that there will be a miracle as they look at the weather forecasts in the next few days.

Watching the footage brings tears to my eyes.  As I sit here comfortable in my lounge room, after having a nice meal with My Man and now making myself a cup of tea, it is hard to believe what is happening so close to home.  It is tragic.  Words cannot capture the enormity of what is happening.  The footage does not seem real - and as it is so real, I find myself choked with emotion. 

The statistics are rising - 10 people dead, with 5 children among the dead, 78 people missing, 75% of Queensland a disaster zone, 1,500 Queenslanders evacuated.  There are 32 new suburbs at risk with 6,500-9,000 properties in Brisbane expected to be flooded (15,000 people), a power shut down in Brisbane.  The Brisbane flood will be worse than the 1974 flood.  Statistics are terrifying and hearing the story of a 4 year old boy swept away is devastating - my Nieces age  - a beautiful child lost and taken from loved ones.  I also can't even imagine the fear being experienced with people waiting to be evacuated and others waiting to hear that their loved ones are safe.  It is unbelievable.

Julia Gillard says "Stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of Queensland" and it is impressive seeing people helping each other, supporting one another.  How wonderful to see all of the charities and volunteers doing what they can - the beautiful spirit of people shines through in the darkness.  They are setting up accommodation in safe and dry environments and providing hot meals.  

It does make me think what can I do - as we sit here in NSW.  I am motivated to donate money and it is encouraging to see how much money is being raised to help support Queenslanders.  And although I am glad to be far away and safe, I feel helpless, I would be happy to be working in the evacuation centres making sandwiches or offering support to people in trauma - just to sit with people and be there in understanding.

And I can pray.

It is a reminder of how fragile life can be - despite our planning and our setting Goals for our future, life and death and tragedy can present itself to us when we least expect it.  Today I also found out that another member of our Family, a young member of our Family has cancer.  And I can pray.

Dear God,
Please be with the people in Queensland and give people strength to face this terrible tragedy.  Please keep your Sons and Daughters safe.  Please perform a miracle and ease the rain so that healing and restoration can begin.  Please inspire our local and global communities to support those affected and give what they can.  

Dear God, please offer healing to my Mum and my Cousin, that they may be 100% healthy and live a long and happy life.  Thank you God for your blessings.  Amen

It may be easy during these times of tragedy and uncertainty and sadness to question our faith and God - this would have been my energy years ago - and while I do not have the answers and I don't understand and I wish things were different - I will continue to pray and have faith. 
And as I hear that 3000 homes will be flooded in Ipswich, it is reassuring to see Kevin Rudd in Queensland - may his strength offer support to the local people.  Kevin Rudd also encourages Australians who are of "prayful mind" to offer prayers to the Queensland people.

And it is one year on from the Haiti Earthquake - devastating as they struggle to rebuild and recover.

How can we possibly imagine or totally understand as these Sad Realities tear at our heart.

Here is a song that really speaks to me - 

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