Sunday, February 6, 2011

3 things that make me happy on another Monday

Our new school year has only just officially begun, but already I can feel my shoulders tensing up, and my "to-do" list is of epic proportions. Plus, there are family issues... how old do my kids have to be before I no longer have to worry about them?

So - I'm taking some time out from working and worrying to visit 3 things which have the capacity to cheer me up. Instantly.

#1: Spring flowers
Massed tulips in the Wellington Botanical gardens

#2: Painted skies
Sunset from my window

#3: Water
Well, you know there'd have to be a water pic in there somewhere!
A peaceful, tranquil morning. Not today!

 "Only by learning to live in harmony with your contradictions 
can you keep it all afloat"                                   ~Andre Lord

What are your cures for Monday-itis?

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