Sunday, February 20, 2011

Feeling Very Inspired

I am Feeling Very Inspired. I am Feeling Very Inspired for many reasons - Family, Love, Friends, Connection, Community, Service. 

Family - last night my Brother and Sister-In-Law and my three beautiful Nieces (who I call Princess, Gorgeous and Beautiful) came to visit. It was exciting as my Nieces tried on their Flower girl dresses for our Wedding - and they look wonderful - I love them so much. They make me smile. They bring me alive. I love their hugs and their kisses and spending time with them. I feel Inspired to be the best Aunty ever, to be the best person ever, to just be there with the people that I love.

Love - being in love is special and sacred - and I am very Grateful for My Man. He is loving and giving and supportive. I feel Inspired to be the best Wife. I love being at Home together - he is HOME to me. For Valentine’s Day I gave My Man some cubes - H O M E - I told him that it stood for Heart Open Mine Evermore. I also love when My Man buys me flowers - brightens our Home, brightens my day, my week.

Friends - today I saw my oldest and dearest Friend. It is hard to capture the words of how much this Friend means to me - my heart feels the fullness of my love for my Friend - a woman I have known for over 30 years, who is an incredible Inspiration to me. I am Inspired being in her Presence. I could write 1000 words about my Friend and tell 1000 stories - and yet the most important Truth is the reality that we have are both living with Joy and Happiness - and I love that my Friend has found her Calling and is so loving her work. And so important to me is that even though it has been a long time since we spent time together, today there was no distance - just closeness. And I walked away Inspired to spend more time with my Friend -with all my Friends. 

Connection Inspires me. 

Community - a big one for me. I am Excited that I have found my Community - another place where I feel at Home. One of my happiest times was when I was a part of my Running Community - I loved Running and what I loved the most was being a Member of a Community. When I attend Church I love that everyone is very warm and friendly, without an agenda, simply just loving people. I love the language of the Pastors and the messages that they share - I feel Inspired and Energised. Today’s message was about Community - encouraging each other, motivating each other, supporting each other, inspiring each other, embracing each other, getting beside each other, united not divided. The Pastor talks about our Community being a place of loving, caring, love, light, joy, light, laugher, a place that is “exciting”. He talks about releasing and refining, letting go so that we may become freer, so that we may become “extraordinary”, “so that we may be all that God has called and created us to be”. I usually get emotional at Church, seeing people caring and loving so deeply about each other. 

Service - I feel very Inspired every week and now I am very Inspired to be of greater Service - “Faith is an active word” were the words today. Now that I am a Life Coach, I am Inspired to Volunteer and be of Service to people in the Community, to my Community. I was also Inspired today to hear about two Members of the Community who have been away for a year building a school and Community in Cambodia - wow - I am Inspired.  This Husband and Wife Team talked about their experience in Cambodia - and he used the words Grateful and Contentment.  Each week when I go to Church I feel Inspired - and I love the Music.  I love these songs from today that speak to me 
I am Feeling Very Inspired. And now it is time to follow this Inspiration through to Action - and so I am planning to attend a Women's Vision Group this Wednesday and I am also looking at doing a Course. And each day I will ask, I will Pray “Please God show me how I can be of Service today”.

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