Tuesday, February 8, 2011

To Love and Be Loved

To Love and Be Loved - the Greatest Gift of all.  I feel VERY happy that in 9 weeks time I will be married to My Man.  We were originally planning to get married on 14 March 2011 and now we have had to move it back until 11 April 2011, due to the decision to move the ceremony to a different venue.  And I can't wait!!!

I am ready!!! 

When My Man and I were engaged I felt very happy and in love.  It was the most wonderful day - a day to always be remembered - a day of dreams coming true.  My Man is very romantic and thoughtful and makes a big effort for me - he is wonderful - I am blessed.  For as long as I can remember I have always been a true romantic - I have always been looking for my True Love.  I just love romantic movies, songs, and for every television show, I am always most interested in the developing relationships and wanting people to fall in love. 

And so when we got engaged, it was so perfect - yet it wasn't long before the Shadow Parts of me began to surface, where I started feeling unsure, with worries from my previous experience of marriage.  It was no surprise when I started having doubts.  After a failed marriage and me being unwell, I actually expected that I would start feeling the Runner Part of me wanting to run away, especially after I had also been engaged to another man after my failed marriage (and ran away).  Luckily the bigger Part of me, this time, wants to stay (and now I choose to stay and thrive) forever.

Lucky for me, I have a WONDERFUL Mentor and Coach, who helped me get in touch with what I want most of all - to marry My Man.  I love Coaching and I am Grateful that I have experienced the power of Coaching.  Through Coaching with my Coach I was able to get in touch with the voice of my Innocence, allowing the Caretaker Part of me to listen closely to the Innocence Part of me.

And then once I knew the Truth, my Truth, my deepest desire To Love and Be Loved, to marry My Man, it was then the role of the Warrior Part of me to protect my Truth, from other Parts of me.  So many Parts trying to come onto the stage of my life.

I also love that my beautiful Coach helped me step into my Creator energy.  When I was in a place of doubt and uncertainty, I was also in a place of powerlessness, an energy I felt when I was previously married, a time of sadness and depression and hopelessness.  Through Coaching I was able to regain a sense of feeling empowered, that there are always choices - and most importantly that My Man and I can tap into the Creator Parts within us to Create our own unique and special relationship.  A big THANK YOU to my Coach, a woman who has made a big difference in my life, a woman who Inspires me.

I love the Creator Part of me.  I love the Creator Part within us all and love helping Clients find this Part within Self.  How exciting to realise that we have the power to make choices, to Create a wonderful life that is right for our own Self, to write our own unique stories.

And so after being Coached by an incredible Coach, I have been able to get in touch with what is true for me, and what I've known for so long, that My Man is the right Man for me.  I am very in love and can't wait to be Husband and Wife.  The other Parts of me, the different voices of my internal dialogue, that were causing me unnecessary doubt, are no longer around me - I am so happy that I am marrying My Man.

As well as a change in the ceremony venue, we have also decided to get married in a Church.  Our Priest is lovely - and I feel so honoured that he will marry us.  In the last couple of days I have been searching for music to play at our wedding and I have found some beautiful songs.  I have found this beautiful song which we may play for walking down the aisle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sE40VAIpfI and a beautiful song for when we sign our certificates http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5qp0FQWq2M

There is still much to do and yet I feel relaxed - and that is a wonderful surprise for me.  I was watching 'Packed To The Rafters' tonight, a show I love, and one of the characters Ben was making a speech at his friend's engagement party and he said these words that definitely resonated with me "two best friends who make a life together no matter what the future brings".

I can't wait to get married!!!

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