Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Five things I can totally live without

1. Sir(!) Cliff Richard
 Seriously. Is this not just one of those margarine carvings? 
AND: 'Summer Holiday' has to be the second-worst song of all time. *

2. Winter
I did a Google image search for winter pictures. Yep, there they all were - snowy, pretty, chocolate-boxy-Christmas-cardy pics of snow. And ice. And snow and ice.
Well, we don't have winters like that where I live. We have dankness,
cold, darkness, rain, wind - with the occasional crisp frost followed
by a sunny yet bitingly-cold day.
Winter makes me miserable and depressed; that's why I chose the illustration above. Ban Winter, I say!

3. Flies
I know, I know - they do a useful job of getting rid of
decomposing stuff etc etc.
I don't need them in my house, or anywhere in my vicinity. Thank you.

4. Unnecessary packaging

Need I say more?

5. Vileness
Who taught him to do this, I wonder?

* The position of first-worst is still open... suggestions are welcome

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