Friday, June 10, 2011

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  • number30
    04-30 10:09 AM
    This is totaly wrong. In fact if at a later stage this is found out (as it will) he/she can lose GC as well on grounds of perjury(false declaration).

    That is right. That is the reason get married in US. Even then they can question the intent.

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  • Jayr
    07-05 02:28 PM
    I think the reasons may be a little more subtle than mean spiritedness and malice. Makes me wonder how performance is evaluated at the USCIS. If their evaluation system is such that a large number of applicants in backlog looks tacky on their report card, then that's incentive enough for them to not want a deluge of applicants.

    by now everybody might have heard stories about how USCIS pulled staff and worked overtime and weekends to utilize the 60k visas in one month to prevent the july 485 filings.

    What I am wondering is why did they do it. One obvious reason is the incresed fee comming into effect from July 30 2007. In addition to it what are the other reasons.

    Is there any agenda within USCIS to prevent people from getting EAD and ac21 benefits?
    Is USCIS filled with anti immgrant mentality who have takem upon themselves to make our lives difficult?

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  • mpadapa
    08-04 03:36 PM
    Based on what you have said. She is not even entitled for EAD, because U, mentioned that she got married after 485 was filed by here spouse. If the spouse had added her as dependent after marriage then she can derive EAD and AP benefits. Also if she is a dependent on his 485 there should be some concrete evidence (divorce papers) for him to drop her out of the dependent status.

    We need much more info to help out.

    1. What is immigration status currently? She can file for a I-485 if her labor has been approved. If she is on H4, then there is nothing she can do.
    --She is on H4

    2. Is she a dependent on her husbands I-485? If so, then she dosen't need to file 1-485 again, she can get her EAD.
    --He had filed his 485 before she got married to him.

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  • bkarnik
    05-03 11:37 AM
    Instead of picking holes in the system, all that we need to do is to ensure the reporter gets the message " How legal immigrants are stuck so deeply for following rules" . This will help them put it out in press and debate on it, that way, there will be a larger awareness. You got to look at it from a larger perspective. The more awareness the better are the chances. The time is now to call reporters and highlight the plight of EB Retro folks. That way, they get to seperate legal and illegals (or Mex Citizens) inorder not to confuse the public.

    I am of the opinion, it will help the legal immigrants cause by calling, no harm in trying it.


    In your previous post, you had mentioned that you know Aman. Please passs your idea through either Aman or any one of the core team guys. If it is OK with them, go ahead. I feel that any contact with the media needs to be co-ordinated with the core team.


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  • return_to_india
    01-19 05:34 PM
    Is $500 what your wife pays from her pocket (and employer pays the rest) or is this the actual cost of buying insurance?

    In the former case, expect the actual cost under COBRA to be significantly higher.

    I think you mixed part of reply with "chaks7" info.

    I pay $500 . Don't know how much the employer pays.

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  • pappu
    04-10 02:19 PM
    Please keep sending all bugs and requested features in a PM.

    A few people are leading this effort and collecting the bugs and new features
    Chanduv23, needhelp!, walking_dude and santb1975 are people you can PM and they will help make this tracker better


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  • eb3_nepa
    02-21 04:23 PM
    Is there a list like that readily available on IV? Or can someone complile one for me?


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  • dba9ioracle
    09-15 03:10 PM
    Nice idea.. I am for it.


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  • narikg
    06-15 11:09 PM
    Passport should be valid for more than 6 months for applying I 485.
    If somebody can answer that would begreat

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  • waitingGC
    01-15 10:11 AM
    I think more members will join and people will be willing to contribute more if they see positive things happening. Right now we seem to be going no where. Even if a basic thing like filing for 485 during retrogression gets passed, people will gain confidence in IV and they will be willing to contribute money.

    I totally agree with you! Many members are doubtful of what IV can really do for legal immigrants. Many people think that nothing can be achieved with just less than 10,000 people. Without seeing any hope for any changes, people just feel desperate and stay where they are without thinking of this issue.

    I've read a post in a Chinese immigration website regarding how they thought the immigration trends in the future. Most people, if not all, believed that most of the immigration bills, including CIR, SKIL, and 485 filing, have no chance to be passed in the congresses, not only this year, but also in the future. They thought that the only thing that had a chance was H1 quota increasing. I hope that's not true. But their arguments made sense. We believe that we contribute to this country so this country needs us. But Americans don't think so. Many ordinary Americans do not really care about legal immigrants. Those who care may have lost their jobs to us. Our employers don't really want us to get GC because we can change jobs freely once we have GC.

    Those thoughts, combined with last year's facts, make people believe that we cannot make a change. But I believe that if IV can make any change in the near future, e.g. 485 filing, people would regain confidence and join this organization. This is like a vicious circle. People don't contribute, then IV cannot achieve goals. Thus more people lose confidence and contribute even less.


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  • Student with no hopes
    01-24 09:49 AM

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  • Green06
    08-15 02:00 PM
    eeeee thats painful. Happend so many times. It is like Lotto but at the end we say Samay se pehle or Bhagya se adhik kuch nahi milta (before time and more than your destiny you don't get anything)


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  • sunny1000
    06-19 03:00 PM
    My case is already at the embassy since march 2007? Not sure when they schedule interview ?does anyone know the time lines.

    Did you check the Embassy website? They post the interview dates for all the applicants scheduled for the following month. You can email them or call them and I am sure they will respond.

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  • PDOCT05
    08-15 02:09 PM
    It was signed by R William at 9:30 AM on 07/03/2007.
    Thanks much..mine was also signed by R williams at 9:03 am and my checks not cashed yet...


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  • fall2004us
    09-14 03:50 PM
    great job IV....

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  • lost_in_migration
    05-15 09:55 AM
    Nice to see a handsome number of PD Current ppl still visiting the site ;)


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  • desi3933
    07-20 04:58 PM
    Let's assume Two people A and B entered into US on Jan 1st 2004 with Visa stamping Valid till June 2006.

    A is without payslips for 2 years , that is until Dec 2005(730 days).A travels out side US and re enters into US in jan 2006 , after that he'll get the payslips and stays legal , then applies for his 485 in March 2006.Then he is maintaining
    100% legal status as he is having continious payslips after his re entry.

    B doesn't have payslips for period of 185 days(aggregate) in his whole stay in US , rest of the time he maintains legal status , but he never travels outside US and applies for his 485 in March 2006.

    In this case B is under risk of illegal status for more than 180 days , as he never travelled outside US.How come this is fair law??This thought bugging me since coupe of days.Guys please share your ideas.

    One is expected to know immigration laws. Who stopped Person B to re-enter USA before filing for I-485.

    Not knowing laws is not a valid excuse.

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    03-26 04:42 PM
    EB2 will stay the same as April 08 VB.

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  • kannan
    01-10 05:27 PM
    Mine is still in CA transfer and no FP

    10-26 03:50 PM
    Can you talk in english please?

    A better option is to put me in touch with the guy that speaks "tech". English will not solve the problem;)

    Common IV members we are a community of Technical ppl, surely SOMEONE can come up with a solution to this problem?

    02-13 01:20 PM
    "But the stranger who dwells with you shall be to you as one born among you, and you shall love him as yourself; for you were once strangers..." Leviticus 19:34

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